Ways you can help our cats and kittens.
ShelterLuv is the software we use to track the cats in our programs! It also offers secure donation methods. You can text MCCL to 89871 or follow the link below.
We can be found on Venmo @motleycrewcatlounge to make it easier for you to help our kittens.
Amazon Wishlist
Want to know exactly what your money goes to? We often need physical supplies for the cats we have in foster care. This could be food, toys, medical supplies, blankets, and more.
Social Media
Helping out can be as simple as sharing a social media post! See a kitten who needs a home? Share and see if anybody you know could save them.
Don’t have Venmo? You can also send support over PayPal.
Chewy WIshlist
Adverse to Amazon? Chewy is our other favorite place to shop! This list has our wildest dreams and what we always need more of.